Customers entering the bank will be oriented according to the multiple forms of care they can have with RUBE, to guide clients in all sectors (BOX, Trading Platform, VIP Industries, etc.)
An example of these alternative management Client Flow with RUBE is presented.
Customers entering the Branches find an elegant KIOSKO Touchscreen GX40/GX40H/Gx95 or any other simple equipment device the entity decides customers to use and select the appropriate service (both to be for Box and Trading Platform).
The operation can also be configured so that the system checks against central bases of the institution, if the person is already a client or not and to which segment it corresponds to (this could be done by entering the ID number or directly by passing a card ).
Once received the printed ticket the custumers will go to a waiting area where they will be sitting comfortably waiting for their turn to be called.
Such waiting areas shall be equipped with an LCD or Plasma (the amount of LCDs you want to place) to the called customer.
These LCD / Plasmas, show ticket numbers being served, and also have the functionality to display advertisements, video or images, that your institution wishes. When the employee calls the next number or customer, clicking on his virtual terminal call (desktop PC), it will announce the call through a sound system or ding-dong (can also be a voice call) to indicate the addressed customer.
All statistical activities related to the service provided to the customer, will be stored on the computer manager (or the one you indicate) allowing this, view and print all other reports or graphics system, analyze waiting times, customers served, productivity of employees, etc.., real and instantly. This also can be monitored from remote if you have access and permission to the branch.
You have full scope functionality available RUBE